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الموضوع: Strategic HRM

الصورة الرمزية HR Management
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Strategic HRM

'Strategy' is one of those words that is bandied about in management courses, with sometimes not too much care taken about the definition. It derives from the military sphere and this is clear from dictionary definitions. The Chambers 20th Century Dictionary describes it as 'generalship, or the art of conducting a campaign', while The Oxford English Dictionary is equally direct - 'The art of a Commander-in-Chief.' This tells us two things: strategyis certajnly-ab^odeadership, and isjmorecongerned with the broad_djrecjiori_ofa|'fairs than detailed implementation. In thinking about battles to come, Wellington is reported to have spo^STadlnmngryofFrench troops: 'they have besides a new system of strategy which has out-manoeuvered and overwhelmed all the armies of Europe'. However good your troops and your tactical movements, effective strategy is essential to success in the military sphere.

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نوع الملف: doc
إسم الملف: STRATEGIC HRm.doc - حجم الملف: 3.18 ميجابايت - مرات التحميل: 71

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HR & Strategic Planning

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Strategic HR

Dear all I would like to share with you an interesting book about strategic hr hopefully it will be useful for everybody Best regards (مشاركات: 5)

Course in : The Strategic Role of HCM

The Strategic Role of HCM Objectives * To Understand the Difference between HRM and HCM * To Understand the Importance of Strategic HCM and Its Challenges with Top Management * To... (مشاركات: 0)

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