يسر مركز القادة للتدريب
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preparing for the workforce planning

Kuala Lumpur 17-21 June 2012

Program Objectives:
By the end of the program, participants will be able to:

Define workforce planning within the context of Human Resources.
Explain how Human Resources planning is related to the overall strategic plan of the organization.
Understand the economic concepts of demand and supply and how they apply to the labor market.
Learn how to forecast the demand and supply for different types of Human Resources, both in terms of quantity and quality.
Explain the relationship of Human Resources planning to the staffing process.
Describe why an understanding of the external labor market is important in workforce (HR) planning.

This program is designed for:

Recruitment and workforce planning managers and specialists, Human Resources professionals and strategy analysts. This program is also useful to corporate planning managers who want to make sure that their strategies are implemented successfully.

Program Outline

Overview of Workforce Planning (WFP)

A Clear Definition of WFP and its Relationship to Organization Strategy
The Need for WFP:
Penalties for Bot being Properly Staffed
Importance and Benefits of WFP
How is the WFP Process Linked to Other HR Processes
Aims and Phases of WFP
Main Drivers of WFP
The WFP Analysis Model ? A Mega Process
WFP Key Performance Indicators

Workforce Planning Analysis: An Operational Approach

Project Based Workforce Requirements
Long Term Workforce Requirements
The Demand Analysis Phase: How to Forecast Human Resources Needs
Trend Analysis
Ratio Analysis
The Scatter Plot
The Zero Manning Technique for Identifying Workforce Needs
The Demand Analysis Process
The Supply Analysis Phase
How it Will Help WFP
The Supply Analysis Process
Forecasting the Supply of Internal Candidates
Qualifications Inventories
Replacement Charts
Roles and Responsibilities
The Gap Analysis Phase
The Nature of Gap Analysis?
Causes of Gaps between Supply and Demand
The Gap Analysis Process

Workforce Formulation

It is All about Filling the Workforce Gaps
Strategic Issues to Consider in Filling Workforce Gaps
The Process

Monitoring and Evaluation

A Built In Process
Gathering Feedback Methods and Means

Beyond Staffing Plans

Using Workforce Planning to Support Management Successions and Development Planning
Talent Planning: The Key to Effective Talent Management
Measuring Staffing Effectiveness and Efficiency
Calculating Staffing Costs and Evaluating Staffing Options

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