Modern strategies in human resources management
turkey -istanbul 30/10/-3/11/2011

Expected by the end of the program participants to achieve the following goals after their participation in the program and their interaction with the activities:
- define the concept of human resources management system, and show that elements of internal and external.
- Development of competencies and skills essential to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century, globalization in light of the variables.
- develop their skills in assessing the performance of employees from the perspective of evolutionary development.
- form a framework for the identification and distribution of priorities and responsibilities of a successful human resources in the organization.
- Strategic Planning and Management Planning of human resources.
- training and development and investment in human resources.
- understand the strategies and theories and skills for the work of human resources.

- globalization and the rapid global changes and their impact on human resources management.
- best strategies to develop the skills of human resource managers and the challenges they face and ways to remedy them.
- innovation in strategic planning and development of creative thinking to develop human resources.
- interviewing and selection, recruitment and evaluation of individual and organizational performance.
- Engineering- Administrative and human engineering.
- training and development and excellence in the work of human resources.
- analysis and job descriptions and rewards and benefits.
-ways to attract- and attract human capital.
- competitive leadership and innovation and effective management of the process of institutional transformation.
- motivation and stimulation and the development of innovation and creativity in solving problems.

- human resource managers.
- managers and administrative personnel throughout the ranks.
- training managers and management development
- various administrative and leadership candidates to fill in both the public and private sectors

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