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الموضوع: Auditing Reports Writing -turkey 15 -19 may 2011

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الإمارات العربية المتحدة
مجال العمل
تدريس وتدريب

Auditing Reports Writing -turkey 15 -19 may 2011

منارة المعرفة للاستشارات و التدريب تدعوكم لقضاء برنامج تدريبي مميز في كتابة تقارير التدقيق الداخلي و مهارات التواصل
Auditing Reports Writing
Communication Skills

In a changeable Environment it has been necessary to every
Company to have An Auditing Department. This
Department should issue many reports about Its operation.
And this report should have many specifications.

Objectives :

1. To provide a Full idea about effective Audit Report .
2. To present a Comprehensive Method in Writing Auditing Reports.
3. To enhance Communication Skills in Auditing Reports by Presentation.
4. To know the Latest techniques in Auditing Reports Writing .

Training Outline :

· Bad Habits in Audit Writing .
· How to Write effective Audit Report .
· The Important of Action plan .
· How to make your reports looks professional .
· How to make your Recommendations work.
· Art of Effective Communication .
· How to Communicate effectively during the Assignment.
· How to Communicate in a practical environment .
· The Presentation skills – getting your message across to executive management .

Attendances :

Internal Auditors , Auditors , Accountants , and any Person
Related with this Object .
registration :
dr.adel 00962785006003
[مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ]

نبذه عن الكاتب
الإمارات العربية المتحدة
مجال العمل
تدريس وتدريب

رد: Auditing Reports Writing -turkey 15 -19 may 2011

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