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الموضوع: Having It All ... And Making It Work

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Having It All ... And Making It Work

Having It All ... And Making It Work: Six Steps for Putting Both Your Career and Your Family First
Working 24x7? Delaying life until it's too late? You have the ability stop! Having it All ...and Making it Work is a fast-paced, easy-to-use book offering you a new pathway towards managing personal life and professional life--without sacrificing either one of them. This book isn't just more whining and exhortation: it delivers specific, bite-sized, no-fluff solutions for managing your life, including crucial execution steps you can take immediately. Mills teaches you how to identify and balance what's most important to you--and give up what you don't want badly enough. He also shows how to make the balance real, not just talk; how to make career decisions that promote balance; and how to make course corrections that refine your balance over time. Mills also exposes the potentially disastrous myths and rationalizations many people use to avoid the realities of work/life imbalance--fallacies like "I'll devote all my time to work for 15 years, get rich, and then I'll pay attention to family." Mills' breakthrough work/life courses at the Harvard Business School are helping business people find the balance they're searching for. The techniques he's developed will help anyone struggling to get a grasp on the work/life balance challenge.
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إسم الملف: Having It All... and Making It Work.rar - حجم الملف: 6.86 ميجابايت - مرات التحميل: 88

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رد: Having It All ... And Making It Work

Thanks a lot for this fantastic book
With compliment
Prof. Dr. Ahmed ebieda

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